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Digital Learning Needs To Become Better at Preparing Learners for the World of Work. Here’s How

Online Learning Needs To Better Prepare Learners for the World of Work. Here’s How

Key takeaways

1. Countries, such as Australia, are planning to improve their education system's ability to prepare learners for the world of work.

2. Achieve this by employing strategies such as incorporating real-world and soft skills into your digital learning program.


It’s no secret that education has an important role in preparing learners for the future world of work, but, in recent years, online learning in particular has come into focus for its ability to improve workplace skills. This is partially thanks to its inherent flexibility and accessibility, which are frequently highlighted as two of online learning’s biggest advantages.

Nevertheless, there is still a growing need for online learning to become better at preparing learners for the future world of work, and this is something even governments are turning their eyes to. For example, Australia’s Federal Education Minister recently announced that the country’s education system is set to undergo “sweeping changes to the way universities prepare young people for the jobs of the future” driven by a five-action plan launched with immediate effect (The Educator, 2023).

Wondering how your online learning program can become better at preparing learners for their future with key employability skills? Here are some strategies to bridge the gap between education and employment, and the practical workplace skills online programs should help their learners develop.


Digital Learning Needs To Become Better at Preparing Learners for the World of Work. Here’s How


Integrate real-world skills 

One of the fundamental shortcomings of traditional education is the lack of direct integration of real-world skills. Online learning platforms must bridge this gap by incorporating practical workplace skills into their curriculum. This could involve offering courses that are aligned with industry needs, thus allowing learners to develop job-relevant skills such as digital literacy.

Institutions should also encourage interdisciplinary learning by breaking down silos between departments and faculties. Since many jobs both today and in the future will require a combination of skills from various disciplines, fostering collaboration and diverse knowledge is essential to ensure young learners are being thoroughly prepared for their future careers.


Practical skill: Digital literacy and technological competence should be emphasised in online learning as core skills. In a digital age, proficiency in areas like data analysis, digital communication, and basic understanding of certain popular software is increasingly important.


Digital Learning Needs To Become Better at Preparing Learners for the World of Work. Here’s How - three people work together while smiling


Promote industry collaborations

As well as collaborations within institutions and faculties, don’t forget about industry partnerships, too. To better prepare learners for the workforce with important employability skills, online learning experiences should capitalise on strong partnerships with industry leaders. Collaboration may come in the form of internship opportunities, guest lectures, and real-world projects integrated into the curriculums. An added benefit of online learning also means that institutions can collaborate with industry parties across the globe, and are not limited to those from nearby locations. This helps encourage global perspective and awareness - two skills that are key in a globally interconnected job market.

By fostering connections with professionals in a chosen field, online learners gain invaluable insights and networking opportunities. Moreover, industry partnerships can help keep course content relevant with knowledge of latest trends and technologies, ensuring that learners are not left behind in a fast-paced job market.


Practical skill: Practical, hands-on learning experiences, such as internships and industry projects, should be incorporated into online programs. These opportunities provide learners with real-world exposure and the chance to apply their knowledge.

 Digital Learning Needs To Become Better at Preparing Learners for the World of Work. Here’s How - two people sit at a table talking


Encourage soft skills development

While technical skills are important, soft skills such as communication, problem-solving, and adaptability are equally vital in the workplace. They’re so important in fact, that they’ve been tagged as “essential to the future of work” (Forbes, 2021). It has also been predicted that by 2030, "soft skill-intensive occupations will account for two-thirds of all jobs" and that Australians with developed soft skills could see their “income grow twice as fast due to the rising need for capabilities such as customer service, digital literacy and time management” (Deakin Co., 2017). Online learning should therefore prioritise the development of these skills, for example through interactive and collaborative activities.

Incorporating group projects, communication workshops, and leadership development programs can help learners gain these soft skills and become well-rounded professionals. These workplace skills are not only essential for securing a job, but also for long-term career success.


Practical skill: Institutions should place a strong emphasis on soft skills such as communication, critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability. These skills are highly transferable and will be valuable in any future job regardless of industry.


Learn more about soft skills: Soft Skills in Online Exec Ed: The What, the How, and the Why


Push for continuous learning

The world of work is dynamic, with industries and technologies evolving rapidly. Therefore, online learning should not end with a degree or certificate but instead continue throughout a person’s entire career. Learning platforms can encourage lifelong learning by offering continuous education opportunities, micro-courses, and upskilling programs.

By fostering a culture of continuous learning, learners are better equipped to adapt to changing job requirements and stay competitive in their respective fields.


Practical skill: When institutions promote a culture of lifelong learning, they encourage their learners to view their education as a foundation upon which they can continually build throughout their careers.


Need your online program to better prepare learners for employment?





  • Deakin Co. (2017). Report: Premium Skills. Access it here.
  • Forbes. (2021). Soft Skills Are Essential To The Future Of Work. Access it here.
  • The Educator. (2023). Universities Accord: Major changes proposed for Australia’s higher education system. Access it here.